08 Feb Trickfilm-Show I, II, III presents my complete works in three different film programs in Kassel, Germany
Trickfilm-Show Kassel: An Oscar® winner learns to walk, takes off and goes loopy
Since 2017, I have been presenting my internationally award-winning short films annually in my Trickfilm-Show at the Theaterstuebchen in Kassel. The complete show is divided into part I, II and III. In chronologically order I give entertaining insights into my career as an amateur filmmaker (Show I), as an animation student (Show II) and as a professional animation film maker (Show III), each with one and a half hours of infotainment.
With amusing little stories about the production process of the films, I describe in the Animation Show Kassel the “exciting” life of an animation artist and tell of the highs and lows in the realization of my projects.
The film program is supplemented by visual material, making-of films, work-in-progress examples, television interviews, original props and interview guests.
I have lively conversations with the audience, answer their questions, encourage them to interpret the films and discuss the content.
The Trickfilm-Show appeals to people aged 11 to 111. The films are without dialog and therefore internationally understandable.
Details of the Programme
TRICKFILM-SHOW I – An Oscar® winner learns to walk
In show I, I present my first films, with which I learned to walk in the world of animated film.
I describe how I taught myself to animate as an autodidact and what creativity and success, e.g. at German and international amateur and student film competitions, meant to me.
One example is my stop-motion film DAS LETZTE BLATT, for which I received the highest award for an amateur filmmaker.
Another film is THE BIG LABYRINTH, which won the Bavarian Television amateur film competition in 1984.
The films appeal particularly to young viewers who are interested in film.

Films, presented in show I
TRICKFILM-SHOW II – An Oscar® winner takes off
The title of show II could mean: I go to Kassel to study animation at the academy of arts, I go to Hollywood or I’m enthusiastic about animated film.
The “onward journey” to international film festivals for students and professionals, encounters with animated film idols and the “flight of fancy” to Hollywood are exciting topics in my lecture.
I am showing six animated films that were made during my studies, including the Oscar®-winning stop-motion film QUEST.
I talk about my training as an animation student and how I got to the Oscars® in Hollywood.
Using props, photo and video material, I explain the different animation techniques of my films as well as their creation and production.

Films, presented in show II
TRICKFILM-SHOW III – An Oscar® winner goes loopy
The title could mean I’ve got crazy, I spin through or … is it about Zoetropes? I’ll explain what that means in my show III.
I give the audience a look behind the scenes as a commercial filmmaker, animation workshop leader and independent animation producer.
I present my Zoetrope workshop and show the results of the workshop as a SPINNING-ANIMATION-SHOW.
I would like to introduce my animated film THE SAUSAGE RUN, a slightly mischievous variation on the Grimm fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, which was completed in 2021. The story is told in an unusual way using Zoetropes.
I use illustrative material to demonstrate how the film was made using the latest technology and how I went “crazy” with it technically and stylistically.
As a highlight, I will be showing the multi-award-winning experimental film VIRTUOS VIRTUELL, which I realized with the drawing artist and directing partner Maja Oschmann.
The film is a music visualization with abstract ink paintings to an overture by Louis Spohr.
Maja Oschmann and I conduct an interview on stage about how we divided up our work on the film.

Films, presented in show III
See my next events.