The cartoon animation and social spot OLD SUPER LADY was the winner of the MTV-Europe-Storyboard-Competition 1994. The film deals with random acts of kindness....
01 November, 2017
The cartoon animation and social spot OLD SUPER LADY was the winner of the MTV-Europe-Storyboard-Competition 1994. The film deals with random acts of kindness....
This Lebenshilfe spot was created by Monika and Thomas Stellmach during their studies....
The five-minute pixilation film SMALL TALK brings the narrations of a globetrotter come to life. The idea was developed by Thomas Stellmach to produce a trailer for the 10th Documentary Film & Video Festival of Kassel. In addition he made this short film version....
Commercials from Stellmach's time with ‘LICHTHOF - Film & Animation’...