The-Spinning-Animation-Show is like an exhibition and live performance. In this show, the participants of a zoetrope workshop themselves present their effectively designed cyclical animations on various optical, partly historical, image viewing devices in front of an audience and to a cinematic soundtrack.
In a zoetrope workshop, participants produce animation loops on a strip or disc of paper that show a very short action of less than a second in a cycle. The animation production process can be easely checked on a zoetrope.
Read more about what a zoetrope is and what we do in a zoetrope workshop.
The-Spinning-Animation-Show is an effective final presentation customised for the audience. The following examples were produced in zoetrope workshops lasting several days or weeks on paper strips, paper discs or transparent Plexiglas by talented youngsters, trainees or professionals.
The participants presented the animations themselves in an audio-visual show on several optical devices like zoetropes, praxinoscopes, projection devices or on rotating paper discs with stroboscopic light.
The following examples show which themes, locations or stories can be presented a Spinning-Animation-Show.